The unsung heroes of BEMS: an interview with our BEMS coordinators
Want to know how our BEMS engineers stay so proficient? Meet our Bourne End Service and Support Team. While our engineers work in plain view, their coordinators squirrel away behind the scenes, keeping everything ticking along. They do a lot. From organising engineers and processing orders to keeping customers happy. All while staying organised and upbeat. Here’s what they think about their roles and the BEMS industry as a whole.
What makes the team successful?
Our BEMS coordinators gel perfectly. And the reason, we believe, is twofold:
- They have the right attitude and attributes to excel in a varied, fast paced environment.
- They feel happy and fulfilled in their roles (something we’re incredibly proud of).
Here’s what the team have to say about life at Kendra and what it takes, exactly, to become a top-notch BEMS service team coordinator.
What does a BEMS support coordinator do, in a nutshell? And what do you enjoy about it?

Charlotte: It’s impossible to describe what we do in a nutshell because every day is different. You could be arranging engineer call outs or you could be setting up new contracts. It completely depends on what comes into your inbox.

Nathan: This job is productive. That’s how I’d describe it. In a nutshell, I manage engineers. But in practice, being a BEMS support coordinator is like playing a game of chess. You’re moving guys around on a board, determining which jobs need to take preference over others – and if you run out of space on your chess board, you’re in trouble!

Amanda: As Nathan said, our job is to manage engineers but it’s all about customer service, too.
We’re constantly juggling. From the moment we start work until the moment we pack up and go home.
Sometimes, we’ll get a call out that takes up half the day. Which means you’ll need to reshuffle and reprioritise. There’s a lot to do, but that’s part of what makes it enjoyable. I get a buzz out of being busy. And working hard to get everything done at the end of each month. I even enjoy the juggling!

Nathan: It’s definitely rewarding. What I enjoy most is the people, though. In my previous company, I worked at home. That suited me because I’m not someone who needs to be around others. However, working here has changed me. I enjoy being around the people in this office. They’re my people and I feel comfortable around them.
There’s also a great support system here. If a challenge comes your way and you don’t know how to overcome it, people around you will help. And that’s a big part of what makes this a great job.

Amanda: Definitely. And I enjoy speaking with customers and engineers. They’re a great bunch of engineers. Very helpful and nice to work with.

Charlotte: I really like the engineers. I just think it’s a great company. Last year, I was going through a difficult time and the management team were amazing. They were so supportive. I met up with Karl, our divisional director, at least every two to three weeks for a coffee and a catch up, just so he could check in and see how things were going. You don’t get that kind of support everywhere.
And what does a BEMS support administrator do?

Tracey: What I do is different to these guys. My role is more of a support role than a service role. I don’t coordinate engineers, but I’m here to help the team do their jobs. I do all sorts of things really, from sharing information across the business to placing orders. Lots of bits and pieces.

Charlotte: You’re the first port of call, Tracey.

Tracey: Yes, if anyone needs anything I am the first port of call. It’s nice that the rest of the team have their own engineers that they look after, but I know all of them because I’m in contact with people from all over the business. I like that side of it, but I enjoy all aspects of my role, really.
What’s it like working at Kendra?

Amanda: It’s great. This company is so easy going, compared to lots of other places. People tend to be relaxed and friendly.

Charlotte: There’s no one micromanaging you either, which is nice. You’re trusted to just get on with your job. That trust is important.

Tracey: There’s also a good team spirit here at Kendra, I think.

Charlotte: Yes and you see that across the board, even with the managers. There’s no strong sense of hierarchy, either.

Tracey: No there doesn’t seem to be. If you do a good job, your managers appreciate you – and then you appreciate them back. It’s all about mutual respect. That’s what’s happening here, I think.

Amanda: And you’re not just a number, like you would be in some places. It’s nice to feel like you’re a valued part of the organisation.

Charlotte: Plus, there’s the fact that so many people here have worked for Kendra’s owners – Chris and Gary – forever.

Tracey: That speaks volumes, doesn’t it?

Charlotte: Definitely. They hold onto people. And then there’s people like Felix, our Regional Operations Manager in the South, who left and came back years later.
Tell us an interesting story from your time at Kendra

Amanda: You must have loads, Charlotte.

Charlotte: I’m sure I do. Just trying to think of something! I did get to go on an interesting site visit recently, to a very swanky hotel we work with in London. I’ve worked with our contact there for about five years now.
I got to the hotel early and there was a man standing in reception. I just assumed he was a porter. I went up to him and said ‘I’m here for a 10am meeting, can you tell me where the toilets are please?’. He directed me to the bathroom and afterwards I sat in the foyer, waiting for my contact to arrive.
Eventually, the person I thought was the porter came up to me and said ‘you must be Charlotte’. He was actually the guy I was supposed to be meeting! Thankfully, he was very nice about the whole thing.
He took us to go see some very plush apartments and penthouses. They were impressive! I think they were around £18 million each. Afterwards, he took us to the spa there. That was amazing, too.
An insight into the team’s busy workload
Job title: BEMS Service Team Supervisor
Joined: Eight years ago (June, 2015)
“There were two of us in the admin department when I first joined – me and our current payroll manager, Katie. Plus our current Purchase Ledger Manager, Debbie, in the midlands. Now I’ve got a full team around me and we’re one of 12 BEMS service teams throughout the business”.
Job title: BEMS Service Team Co-ordinator
Joined: Ten months ago (July, 2022)
“You know when something just ‘feels right’? That’s the feeling I got from Kendra the first day I came in for a chat about the role. I still feel that way now, ten months later. It’s a great fit”.
Job title: BEMS Service Team Co-ordinator
Joined: One year ago (April, 2022)
“The BEMS industry is where my career began, back at Satchwell many years ago. I left the industry only to re-join last year. I’ve now come full circle and ended up back where I started!”
Job title: Support Administrator
Joined: One year, seven months ago (September, 2021)
“While the BEMS industry is completely different to industries I’ve worked in before, I do like it. This role suits me and fits in perfectly with my life”.
Last question. What do you think makes a good BEMS service coordinator?

Amanda: It’s a busy job, so you’ve got to be someone who enjoys working in a fast-paced environment and someone who is comfortable managing your own workload.
Being a good people person is important, too, because you’re dealing with so many different personalities on a day-to-day basis – engineers and customers.
You’ve also got to have good attention to detail because you’ll be invoicing customers and representing the company.

Nathan: Yes, being a good communicator is key because you’ll be communicating with clients, engineers and work colleagues. You also need to be a team player and step in when needed.
Working well under pressure is a must. To do well in this role, you have to be self-disciplined and organised.
Get in touch
We have BEMS service and support teams across the UK. If you think you’d be a great fit, reach out to your nearest office.
Even if we aren’t currently advertising for a coordinator role, we’d be happy to register your interest should something come up. All existing opportunities can be found on our careers page.